I've been writing about my day to day, thoughts and dreams as long as I can remember. A huge plastic tub sits in our guest room closet, filled with my old diaries and journals. Plus, all the others hanging around on bookshelves around the house.
I love emotions. I love putting them on paper, putting words to them during a great conversation or threading them into a song. This has just always been my thing. Now I know I am an Enneagram Four, which explains a lot about my need to express. It's a crazy rollercoaster in here. I can't contain all that inside.
So, in some ways, I'm starting something new. I opened a tab on my computer and started a new blog. But, in every other way, this project is a continuation of what I've been doing my whole life.
Two things are markedly different this time around. And I share this because I need accountability. One, I am thirty now. My twenties and becoming a wife and mom have helped me uncover who I really am. And now that I'm a little older, I care much less what anyone thinks about who I really am. I believe that by knowing (imperfectly) who I am, I have something valuable to offer to you. And you, by being yourself, are incredibly valuable to me. Two, I am starting this undone. I usually find it painful to let others see the beginning, the process, the failures. But it would be ridiculous to expect perfection at the start. (or the middle... or the end...)
I want to invite you into this empty space. To watch it fill up and change and grow. And to learn from your story too.
More to come!